
I Never Came Back

After Christine told her abusive husband of nine years that she wanted a divorce, an act of violence against her put things into perspective. “That was when it clicked,” she says. “I left and did not go back.” It started early in the marriage with insulting comments about Christine’s weight and intelligence. As time went

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Domestic Violence Takes Many Forms

Megan was a 21-year-old college student when she met a man and they started dating. “It began with him isolating me from my friends and family, even talking me into moving to a new state,” Megan explains. “Mental and verbal abuse was heavy after about 6 months.” Sixteen hours away from her hometown and support

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In Honor of My Sister

“My experience with domestic violence is intense,” says Crissy. “As much as I would like to think that my experience is unique, I know that it is not.” In January 2021, Crissy’s sister Melissa lost her life to domestic violence at the age of 38. “My sister Missy met a man that she thought was

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Generational Cycle of Abuse

Growing up in Omaha through the 1970s and 80s, Tammy experienced domestic abuse at the hands her father. Her father physically, mentally, and sexually abused Tammy, her sisters, and their mother. Tammy’s mom sought help from social services in 1979, but after a few months in foster care and some therapy sessions, they ended up

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A Mother’s Story

A Letter from a Survivor at Newhouse Imagine if your home was not a sanctuary but a place of fear… I don’t have to imagine because I am one of the 598 survivors who Newhouse supported in 2023. My two young children and I found refuge at Newhouse when we had nowhere else to turn.

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