Staff Spotlight: Chris

Team Newhouse

Meet Chris!

Since 2013, Chris has been supporting survivors and families at Newhouse! He started as a volunteer, joined our advocacy team, then stepped into fundraising/marketing. Now Chris has been our Director of Philanthropic Engagement for more than 4 years! If you have come to one of our events, he has helped create the magic!

A Volunteer, an Advocate, a Champion

Chris was a volunteer for one year in 2013, a part-time Advocate 2014-2016, a member of the New Leaders Council 2016 – 2017 and came back to staff in early 2019! For four years, he’s been leading our fundraising events, overseeing corporate partnerships, and working with some individual donors.

Successes Worth Celebrating

Chris brings creativity and passion into all of his projects. A few proud moments include launching the Worthy Pop-up Bar, creating the Tinder Healthy Relationships Campaign, increasing the funds raised at the Imagine a Day Gala, and securing Kansas City Star front page coverage about how Newhouse was navigating COVID in 2020.

Why He Supports Survivors

“I am so fortunate that I have never experienced domestic violence, but I know so many who have. When I started in 2013, I knew nothing about domestic violence and would tell people I didn’t know anyone who had experienced it. Of course, I was wrong and actually did know people, they just had never talked about it. We all know someone who has experienced it. Whether we realize it or not!”

What He Tells Survivors

“Your voice matters. Your story matters. You deserve to be heard, loved and respected!”

– Chris

What Brings Chris Joy

When he’s not breaking fundraising records or playing with kids in our Early Learning Center, Chris loves to play sand volleyball, volunteer at other nonprofits, go to happy hours, and be with friends. Some days he brings his cute dog, Chelsea, to work and the staff love it!


Thank you, Chris, for serving survivors at Newhouse through your gifts and talents.

Meet more members of Team Newhouse.